Policy Brief: Building Equality, Building Resilience

6th Nov 2019

Africa’s cities are facing increasingly frequent shocks connected to climate change, economic instability, public health catastrophes and global conflicts. These rapidly growing cities are already stressed by high levels of poverty and informality, lack of infrastructure and poor planning. National resilience plans tend to be reactive and short term. Local governments need to urgently implement measures to improve resilience and reduce disaster risk.

By improving infrastructure and service delivery, a city is better equipped to handle shocks and stresses. At the same time, the equality gap that underlies so much of urban African vulnerability is addressed. Identifying sustainable infrastructure improvements will require innovative problem-solving. Local authorities should adopt a collaborative governance style that involves the informal sector. This can be done by initiating pilot projects and creating platforms for networking and discussion. Relevant data is vital for early warning system plans and for a city’s resilience, as are dedicated budgets and adequately equipped human resources.

Download the AURI Policy Brief HERE >