Cairo Laboratory for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research
Egypt, Cairo , Egypt
Cairo Laboratory for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research aims to establishing a critical space for urban discourse. CLUSTER engages critical theorisation while being grounded in professional practice, negotiating the blurred boundaries between formal/institutional regulations and everyday urban informality.

Unpacking co-production in second AURI workshop
The second workshop, co-hosted by African Urban Research Initiative (AURI) and Mistra Urban Futures programme, focused on knowledge co-production, and […]
Workshop series shares experience and practical skills with emerging scholars
“There was a cartoon I used to watch called Toby Blue and it talked about climate in a language digestible […]
#3 Formal/informal interface workshop
The third workshop in the series on the Formal-Informal Interface took place from 6 to 8 December in Cairo, Egypt […]
Ntombini Marrengane on Multilevel Governance and Informality
The 6th Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders took place […]