Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Dynamiques Sociales et Développement Local
Niger, Niamey, Niger
LASDEL is a social science research laboratory conducting high quality research, from qualitative studies to empirical analyses. Founded in 2001 in Niamey (Niger) and extended to Parakou (Benin) in 2004, it has an international scientific council of eight members and has signed partnership agreements with the Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey (Niger), the University of Abomey (Benin), the University of Parakou (Benin) the School of High Studies in Social Sciences (France), the Institute of Research for Development (France) and the African Studies Centre in Leiden (Netherlands). Research is conducted on five axes, namely: State and local public services, Local authorities, municipalities, local development, Health, Management of natural resources and land and Fire devices against instability and poverty.

Unpacking co-production in second AURI workshop
The second workshop, co-hosted by African Urban Research Initiative (AURI) and Mistra Urban Futures programme, focused on knowledge co-production, and […]
Workshop series shares experience and practical skills with emerging scholars
“There was a cartoon I used to watch called Toby Blue and it talked about climate in a language digestible […]