Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre
Sierra Leone , Freetown, Sierra Leone
The Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre (SLURC), based in Freetown, is a globally connected research centre created through a partnership between the Bartlett Development Planning Unit (University College London) and the Institute of Geography and Development Studies (Njala University). It aims to generate capacity building as well as research initiatives in cities across Sierra Leone focused on the well-being of residents of informal settlements. This will be achieved by strengthening the research and analysis capacities of urban stakeholders in Sierra Leone; significantly improving the quality and quantity of available knowledge on the informal settlements in Sierra Leone; and making urban knowledge accessible to those who need it, prioritizing residents of informal settlements; and delivering world leading research in order to influence urban policy and practice.

Unpacking co-production in second AURI workshop
The second workshop, co-hosted by African Urban Research Initiative (AURI) and Mistra Urban Futures programme, focused on knowledge co-production, and […]
Workshop series shares experience and practical skills with emerging scholars
“There was a cartoon I used to watch called Toby Blue and it talked about climate in a language digestible […]