Laboratoire Citoyennetés
Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Created in 2003, the Citoyennetés Laboratory (LC) is a Burkinabe law association with a regional focus (West Africa). Their approach is to rigorously understand the current modalities of governance and citizenship and use this knowledge to help change ways of seeing, thinking and acting in order to target: political, economic, local , equity in gender relations , the management of land and natural resources & public services (health, education, social work, civil status, sanitation, etc.).

Unpacking co-production in second AURI workshop
The second workshop, co-hosted by African Urban Research Initiative (AURI) and Mistra Urban Futures programme, focused on knowledge co-production, and […]
Workshop series shares experience and practical skills with emerging scholars
“There was a cartoon I used to watch called Toby Blue and it talked about climate in a language digestible […]
Managing Urbanisation Dynamics in Response to COVID-19 in Africa with focus on: Dakar, Ouagadougou, Legon, Ile.ife and Lagos.
Laboratoire Citoyennetés in collaboration with the Institute of Social Sciences took part in a webinar on 24 September 2020, organised […]
#3 Formal/informal interface workshop
The third workshop in the series on the Formal-Informal Interface took place from 6 to 8 December in Cairo, Egypt […]
Ntombini Marrengane on Multilevel Governance and Informality
The 6th Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders took place […]